Monday, April 13, 2009

Sipadan Island - Nature's Best

World Wonders

Enjoy the pictures, GREAT pictures!

Asal Usul Tambunan

Dari segi geografi ,Tambunan terletak di bahagian Pendalaman Sabah.80km dari kota kinabalu(ibu Negeri) di sebelah barat 48km, dari Ranau di sebelah utara ,dan 48km dari keningau di selatan . Lembah ini dikelilingi oleh oleh banjaran gunung.Gunung Kinabalu (4018)yang agung menjadi satu pemendangan di bahagian utara..Dari segi Budaya,barbagai bagai metos dan legenda terutamanya yang berhubung dengan tradisi tradisi lama ,adat resam dan asal usul puak puak dan nama nama tempat di bahagian ini masih ada hingga sekarang.Kisah asal usul Tambunan adalah satu cerita yang menarik yang diceritakan dari mulut ke mulut daripada satu generasi ke generasi yang lain di kalangan orang Kadazan /Dusun di Tambunan.

Pada zaman dahulu kawasan Tambunan hanya di penuhi oleh hutan hujan tropika .Hutan di situ penuh dengan pelbagai jenis haiwan , daripada lintah yang menghisap darah hinggahlah kerbau liar Borneo.Tidak ada manusia yang tinggal disitu pada mulanya.Namun demikian beberapa lama kemudian peneroka mula berhijrah ke selatan dari Nunukragang dan beberapa orang daripada mereka menetap di Tambunan. Kumpulan orang pertama yang sampai ketika itu dipimpin oleh Gombunan .Beliau seorang pahlawan dari kalangan puak Nunukragang,di samping juga seorang pemimpinyang berkeboleihandan baik hati.Beliau mula meneroka dataran Tambunan yang subur disamping pengikutnya. termasuk isteri dan anak mereka.Menanam tanaman seperti padi huma ,jagung ubi kayu ,labu dan keladi merupakan aktiviti utama kaum wanita .Kaum lelaki pula banyak menghabiskan masa dengan berburu binatang liar daripada tupai hingga babi hutan dan rusa. Buah buahan hutan dan beri yang boleh dimakan untuk setiap orang pada ketika itu.Dan setiap orang akan gembira dan berpuas hati.Apabila bilangan penduduk bertambah ,lebih banyak kawasan telah di bersihkan untuk menanam.Penduduk kampung itu yang mengelarkan diri mereka orang dataran(oleh keran mereka tinggal di dataran Tambunan)menjadi bertambah maju dan aman damai dan berharmoni di bawah kepimpinan Gombunan.

Tetapi pada satu hari ,sekumpulan pahlawan yang ganas dari puak Tonsundung yang datang dari kawasan berbukit bukau datang di sebelah timur menyerang orang dataran .Mereka memusnahkan tanam tanaman dan harta benda lain dan juga membunuh sebahagian daripada orang kampung itu.Gombunan dan pahlawannya bertindak cepat dan berjaya dan berjaya menghalau mereka.Dan penyerang penyerang tersebut telah mengalami kecedreraan yang teruk.

Puak Tonsundung yang marah atas kekalahan mereka itu bercadang hendak membalas dan membunuh Gombunan.Kejadian itu berlaku pada satu hari lebih kurang 30 orang pahlawan Tonsundung menangkap Gombunan yang ketika itu bersendirian di ladangnya dan membunuhnya . Mereka mencincang badanya dan membawa balik kepalanya sebagai tanda kemenangan.Kepala Gombunan digantung pada tiang yang tinggi untuk membolehkan orang Tonsundung membaca mentera dan memperolokan kematian ketua orang dataran.

Orang Dataran amat berdukacita apabila mengatahui kematian ketua mereka .Mereka berkabung beberapa hari sebagai tanda menghormati nya dan bersumpah akan membalas atas kematiannya .Sebagai mengenang akan jasanya mereka telah menamakan penempatan mereka tiu GOMBUNAN .

Dalam pada masa itu satu lagi puak dari kawasan berbukit bukau di sebelah barat datang berhijrah di dataran .Mereka adalah puak Tamadon.Orang Tamadon merupakan orang yang ramah dan baik hati terhadap puak Gombunan.Mereka bersedia menghulurkan bantuan bagi memerangi puak Tonsudung kerana lambat laun puak Tonsundung akan menyerang puak Tamadon.Oleh itu sebagai langkah mengelakan sebarang serangan yang menejutkan daripada puak Tonsundung ,puak Tamadon pun bergabung dengan puak Gombunan.Pada masa yang sama juga merancang hendak membunuh semua puak Gombunan.Mereka sebenarnya tidak sedar akan adanya gabungan dan pakatan daripada puak Gombunan dan puak Tamandon.

Sampai sahaja masanya puak Tonsundung pun melaksanakan niat jahat mereka ,maka terperanjatlah mereka bahawa bilangan pihak lawan mereka bertambah ramai .Walaupun begitu pertempuran darah yang dashyat berlaku juga .Lebih setengah bilangan puak Tonsundung telah terbunuh .Pahalawan yang terselamat pula telah melarikan diri ke hutan di sebelah timur untuk beberapa lama tidak kelihatan.Dibanding dengan mereka jumlah yang mengalami kecederaan hanya sedikit.

Puak Gombunan dan puak Tamadon merayakan kemenangan mereka dengan mengadak n pesta besar besaran ,makanan dan minuman tapai di hidangkan dengan banyaknya .Kemuncak upacara itu ialah menamakan semulah penempatan dari Gombunan ke Tambunan.selepas mendapat persetujuan orang orang tua kedua pihak .TAM diambil dari Tamadon dan BUNAN diambil dari Gombunan dengan itu lahirlah TAMBUNAN hingga sekarang.

The Legend of MONSOPIAD!

Monsopiad is a Kadazandusun warrior who is well-known to be a headhunter. There is a memorial dedicated to him at Penampang, Sabah, Borneo.

Legend told that many centuries ago, a lady named Kizabon was pregnant. She lived in a house with her husband, Dunggou. On the roof of their house, a sacred Bugang bird made its nest and stayed there throughout Kizabon's pregnancy.

When the child was due to be born, the Bugang birds hatched as well. The father of the child took the sign as a good omen and that this was a sign that his newborn son would have special powers. He named his son, Monsopiad. The father paid special care to the birds as well, and whenever his son took a bath, Dunggou would take the young birds down from their nest to have a bath with his son. When done, he later returned them to the safety of their nest. This was done diligently until the birds were strong enough to leave the nest.

The young boy grew up in the village Kuai (which is the grounds of the Village). His maternal grandfather was the headman of the village.

However, their village was often plundered and attacked by robbers and due to the lack of warriors in the village, the villagers had to retreat and hide while the robbers ransacked their homes.

But for Monsopiad, things were different. He was given special training and he turned out to be an excellent fighter and grew up to become a warrior. Well-equipped, he vowed to hunt down and fight off the warriors that had terrorized his village for so long. He will bring back their heads as trophies, he claimed, and hang them from the roof of his house!

All he wanted in return was a warrior's welcome, where his success will be heralded by the blowing of bamboo trumpet. In order to prove that he really did as promised, three boys went with him as witnesses.

Just as he had promised, Monsopiad's journey to rid his village of the robbers was a huge success and upon coming home, he was given a hero's welcome. He was so honored by the welcome that he proclaimed he will destroy all enemies to his village.

Over the years, Monsopiad soon attained a reputation and there were no robbers or evil warriors who dared to challenge him. However, the urge to kill had gotten into Monsopiad's head and he simply could not stop himself from beheading more people. Very soon, he started provoking other men into fighting him so that he would have an excuse to kill and behead them.

With his changed attitude, all the villagers and his friends became afraid of him. Left with no choice, the village got a group of brave warriors together and they plan to eliminate Monsopiad. Much as they respected Monospiad for his heroic deeds, yet they had no choice for he had slowly turned into a threat.

One night as planned, the warriors moved in for the kill as Monsopiad was resting in his house. As they attacked him, he fought back fiercely but realized that he had lost his special powers that were bestowed upon him by the Bugang bird. By abusing his gift, he was left powerless and it was that very night that Monsopiad's life ended.

Despite his downfall, the villagers still loved Monsopiad for all that he had done for them. All in all, he collected 42 heads and a great feat that was! In honor and memory of a once great warrior, a monument was erected and the village was renamed after him.[1]

Adidas the Global Brand in Sports!

18 August 1949 - adidas was registered as a company, named after its founder: 'Adi' from Adolf and 'Das' from Dassler.

First state of SABAH cabinet on 16 September 1963

Seated from L to R : Datuk Harris Salleh (Minister of Local Government), Datuk Khoo Siak Chiew (Minister of Communications and Works), Tun Donald Stephen or known as Tun Haji Fuad Stephen after convert to Islam (Sabah’s first chief minister), Datuk Pang Tet Tshung (Minister of Finance), Datuk G.S Sundang (Deputy Chief Minister).
Standing from L to R : Mr. R. Bob Speedy (Secretary to the Cabinet later Private Secretary to the Yang di-Pertua Negeri), Tan Sri Mohd Said Keruak (Minister of Agriculture), Mr R. Jones (State Attorney General), Mr R.M Turner (Chief Secretary), Mr A. Jones (Accountant-General), Datuk Richard E. Yapp (Minister of Natural Resources.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conversation with God

A panel of doctors at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, led by Dr Ruoy Luos, has confirmed that Sabawan, who had earlier been pronounced dead by an attending physician, is now back alive and perfectly normal. Sabawan, the farmer from Tambunan had earlier been rushed to the emergency section of the hospital after suffering a massive heart attack. Doctors had tried their best but could not do anything. He was then declared as dead. But when the mortuary staff, who were called in, came to remove his body they saw Sabawan’s fingers twitching and immediately called the doctors.

The panel of doctors then ran several tests on Sabawan and found him not only to be alive but to have totally recovered from all his ailments. He was found to be as fit as a fiddle. When Sabawan opened his eyes the first thing he asked was, “How long have I been out, doctor?”

When the doctors replied that he had been out for a good five minutes, Sabawan shook his head and pointing upwards said, “I thought I was up there for five years. God is great. He led me experience five years in five minutes.” Media personal who had heard about the incident rushed to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and were just in time to meet Sabawan at the gates and get him to share his miraculous experience.

“Friends, I definitely would like to share my experience with the people. In fact I would have sought you out if you hadn’t come here.” “I had a conversation with God. “Please let me share. Hear me out first. “I was complaining about my failed crops and health to God. “He responded: “”Sabawan, share this with your fellow humans.Your problems are minor compared to what’s in store for the human race.” “But Lord you are the creator of everything. Why don’t you help solve all our problems?

“He replied: “Then life will have no meaning, my son. I gave my children a part of my own garden; beautiful hills and mountains, crystal clear streams, gentle flowing rivers, blue seas and oceans. All of the breathtaking part of my garden I gave to my children. “As some of you, especially in Sabah would say – all of Earth’s treasures ‘from mountain high to ocean deep’.

“But my greatest gift to them was the gift of ‘CHOICE’. “I gave them five senses so they may enjoy my gifts and even …and a sixth sense so they may appreciate, savour and conserve my gifts.

“Humans are so sweet-tongued. They heap great praise on me with their tongues. “But look at what they have done to my gift of Nature.

They have, flattened the hills and mountains and filled up the seas. They have destroyed the food and medicine basket by desecrating the forests. They have polluted the very air and poisoned the very rivers that they need to survive.

“Wasn’t my creation not good enough? Now I wish I had created a flat Earth without rivers, hills or mountains – that the Earthly ‘developers’ could build anything, wherever and however they like.

“I gave them everything they needed but their greed has overtaken their need. They have lost all their senses.

“I sent gentle messages by way of unpredictable weather patterns but they would not take heed. Earthly technologists have always proclaimed that they had a way out. They claimed to be able to tame nature and control its laws. They seem to have an answer to all of man’s ills and ill-doing.

“Then there were warning signals, remember your Greg storm, Katrina, the big earth quakes, the tsunami, the wild fires of California and most recently Australia?

These were merely Nature’s reaction to man’s wanton acts.
“Man must use his greatest gift to determine his direction and the fate of my garden.
“Man still has a choice; but soon the point of no return will be there and gone.
“The decision is solely theirs – I shall not take away my greatest gift to them – ‘CHOICE’.

Sabawan stopped to take a deep breath. Then, he continued ……

“Then I blurted out to God saying, “But the needs of the rich are different.”
“God smiled and said with a stern voice, “Son, I created all men and women equal. You created the differences – colour, creed, status and what not..
“I did not give any one the right nor exclusive title deeds to vast lands within my garden. The wealth of my garden was and is for all to savour and benefit. My garden is more than enough for all of your needs but I cannot satisfy even one of you human’s greed.

“Your earthly laws may create class and wealth beyond needs – you may live in the biggest house, own everything as far as or beyond what your eyes behold; and you may eat the food that you claim to be the best or the most expensive.
“But remember, what comes out from all of you smell the same.

That’s my way of reminding you that ‘All Men Are Equal’.
“But Sabawan, all is not lost. Go tell your brethren:
“ Live a moderate life.
“ Savour my gifts without destroying them.
“Most importantly tell them,

when they stand before me on judgement day… I shall not ask …
what earthly titles they had earned,
what great positions they had held, or … least of all,
what abundant wealth they had acquired.
“I shall only ask, each one: “How did you treat your fellow humans”.
“I know everything but still give them a last option to repent.
“Tell your brethren:

When they stand before me, they shall be in their birthday clothes;
they are allowed no luggage from Earth except their souls to cover them but … if they had sold their souls to earn or to keep their status then they shall stand before me naked.””

Sabawan yawned and told the members of the media, “Call me next week and I shall share with you what God let me see up there. You are not going to believe it.”

God Bless All Mankind and Bring Them To Their Senses.

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