Friday, December 31, 2010


 The use of the Gregorian calendar, based on the Roman model, has made the celebration of New Years Eve on December 31st and New Year's Day on January 1st official in the majority of the world.

New Year's Eve is a time to bid farewell to worries of the past year and welcome the many preferably auspicious events of the future, while the observance of New Year's Day marks the beginning of the year, and is both a secular and a religious holiday. It is a day of obligation in the Roman Catholic Church, and a day of worship in other denominations of Christianity.

New Year's Eve gives people the chance to usher in the coming year in a boisterous manner, liveliness with drinking and merriment lasting long into the night. In modern practice, New Year's Day follows a night of celebration to welcome the New Year, and may be associated in the minds of many people with a late rise and pangs of regret at the extent of the previous night's merriment.

However, this day is also seen with a deep sense of renewal, a freshness of mind, and the start of searching for, and in many cases granting oneself absolution for the events of not only the night before, but the previous year in totality.

As a result, entire cultures are presented with a new level of resolution about the people we are and the condition of our lives, not to mention a great deal of excitement about the future.From noisemakers to fireworks, shouts of joy and uninhibited laughter, a very prominent New Year's Eve custom is to make as much noise as possible.

Some say these traditions are the modern tools to fulfill a custom passed down from the Romans: attempting to frighten away the dying year to make way for the young, so-called Baby New YearIn many forms, an old, bearded man in a heavy coat is seen holding the hand of a fresh-faced infant on the covers of magazines, greeting cards, and other periodical publications.

Parties, in some cases casual, in others black-tie galas, are held to join friends and other loved ones together as the threshold of time is crossed into the New Year. Toasts are made to good health, luck, and continuing prosperity.Fireworks and other demonstrative events are held in cities, where crowds of people throng the streets to cheer and welcome the New Year.

January 1st is a day not only of acknowledging your ambitions, but also of taking a first step in the direction of fulfilling them. So whether you are trying to lose weight as so many of us are following the season, be kinder to your family members, or start your day earlier, New Year's Day is the perfect occasion to begin those pursuits.

The problem usually lies in maintaining the resolve come January 2nd.In many countries, it is on New Year's Day, not at Christmas, that gifts are exchanged and people gather with family and friends to eat and share each other's company and stories.Evergreens remain standing and decorated in homes around the world, often far outlasting the holiday season. Traditional foods, different in each part of the world, are eaten, many of them representing prosperity, wealth, and good luck for the coming year. In the United States, it is customary to begin carrying out one's 'resolutions,' a list of goals and accomplishments to be strived for throughout the New Year.

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