Sunday, January 2, 2011


Have you ever read a news story on the internet and wondered why it wasn’t being
broadcasted on any of the numerous news stations, magazines, newspapers, or journals
in your area of the world?  A story that has cultural and international impact might go
unnoticed, meanwhile Paris Hilton being released from prison is the lead story of the
evening.  It is no secret that governments have control over what gets broadcasted on
television in all areas of the world.  I have collected a list of 10 recent news stories that
have managed to get overlooked by the media.

10. Ecuador Challenges Legitimacy of Foreign Debt
In November of 2008, Ecuador became the first country to undertake an examination
of the legitimacy and structure of its foreign debt.  In the 1970s Ecuador fell victim to
unscrupulous international lending, which encouraged borrowing at low interest rates.
From 1970 to 2006 the country’s debt grew from $1.174 billion to over $14.250
billion, a twelve fold increase.  US banks and Federal Reserve raised the interest rate on
their loan from 6% in 1979 to 21% in 1981.  An independent debt audit commissioned
by the government of Ecuador documented hundreds of allegations of irregularity,
illegality, and illegitimacy in contracts of debt to predatory international lenders.  The
loans, according to the report, violated Ecuador’s domestic laws, US Securities and
Exchange Commission regulations, and general principles of international law.
It was revealed that Salomon Smith Barney, now part of Citigroup Inc., issued
unauthorized restructuring of Ecuador’s debt in 2000 that lead to exorbitant interest
rates, which, combined with extensive borrowing by former dictators, has damaged the
country.  Over the years, Ecuador has made debt payments that far exceed the principal it
borrowed.  Every dollar spent on international credit means less is available for fighting
poverty.  Under the World Bank system, which oversees investment treaties, there is no
public accountability, no standard judicial ethics rules, and no appeals process for
illegitimate international debt.  Ecuador has asked for a review of international norms
on the regulation of the foreign debt market.  In June 2009, Ecuador announced that it
had reached an agreement with 91% of creditors to buy back its debt for 35 cents on the
dollar.  This is an interesting story that was not reported anywhere in the mainstream
Alternet, November 26, 2008
Title: “As Crisis Mounts, Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate and Illegal”
Author: Daniel Denvir

Utube, Fall 2008
Title: “Invalid Loans to Ecuador: Who Owes Who”
Producer: Committee for the Integral Audit of Public Credit

Foreign Policy in Focus, December 15, 2008
Title: “Ecuador’s Debt Default”
Authors: Neil Watkins and Sarah Anders

9. Hurricane Katrina Aftermath
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the area of New Orleans and the storm surge led to 53
levee breaches in the federally built levee system protecting metro New Orleans and the
failure of the 40 Arpent Canal levee flooding 80% of the city.  Chaos ensued and over
300,000 residents attempted to evacuate the area. 
During the disaster the National
Guard designated the Algiers Point ferry landing as an official evacuation site, where
flood victims were to be loaded onto buses headed for safety in Texas.  Algiers Point is
a predominantly white area of the city, while the rest of Algiers is predominantly
citizens.  In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, looting, violence and other criminal
activity became a serious problems.

The looters included gangs of armed gunmen, and gunfire was heard all over the city.
"Sniper fire" was also reported throughout the area, targeted at rescue helicopters, relief
workers, and police officers.  One report of violence involved police killing six people
on the Danziger Bridge.  In the
Algiers Point area people began to target individuals of
the other race.  White vigilante groups were formed, which patrolled the streets of New
Orleans.  They are estimated to have killed a total of 11 African American victims.
White individuals were also murdered during the days following the flooding of New
Orleans.  The local police have never conducted investigations into these crimes.
The Nation, December 17, 2008 Title: “Katrina’s Hidden Race War”
Author: A.C. Thompson

The Nation, December 18, 2008
Title: “Body of Evidence”
Author: A.C. Thompson

8. The Death of Mike Connell
One of the most mysterious and under reported deaths in recent history is that of Mike
Connell.  Mike Connell was Karl Rove’s chief IT consultant who died in a private plane
crash in 2008.  At the time of his death Connell was facing a subpoena in connection
with 2004 Presidential election fraud in Ohio.  Connell was allegedly the central figure
in a longstanding plot to electronically flip votes to Republicans in the 2004 U.S.
election.  In July 2008, Connell was named as a key witness in the case, which was filed
against Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth J. Blackwell on August 31, 2006.  It charged
Blackwell with racially discriminatory practices, including the selective purging of
voters from the election rolls and the unequal allocation of voting machines to various
districts.  Blackwell also faced charges of depriving the plaintiffs of their voting rights,
including the right to have their votes successfully cast without intimidation, dilution,
cancellation or reversal by voting machine or ballot tampering.
The ultimate accusation was that the Bush campaign electronically stole the Ohio 2004
election.  Connell was an experienced pilot. His plane had been recently serviced. He
had been in the nation’s capital on still-unknown business before his single engine plane
crashed December 22, 2008 on the way home, just three miles short of the runway in
Akron, Ohio.  The cause of the crash remains unknown.  At the time of his death, the
only mainstream news outlet in the U.S. to even mention Connell’s death and the
controversies surrounding his involvement in electronic voting was a single CBS/AP
story.  The extreme vulnerability of electronic voting systems is a major issue in the
U.S.  The case against the state of Ohio fizzled after the death of Connell.
The Raw Story, September 29, 2008
Title: “Republican IT consultant subpoenaed in case alleging tampering with 2004 election”
Authors: Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane

The Brad Blog, December 22, 2008
Title:  “OH Election Fraud Attorney Reacts to the Death of Mike Connell“
Author: Brad Friedman

Democracy Now! December 22, 2008
Title: “Republican IT Specialist Dies in Plane Crash”
Interviewee:  Mark Crispin Miller

7. U.S. Companies Have Overseas Tax Havens

Swiss Bank
A 2008 study done by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that 83 of
the top publicly held US companies have operations in tax havens like the Cayman
Islands, Bermuda, and the Virgin Islands.  This means that these companies put billions
of dollars in overseas banking organizations in order to avoid U.S. tax.  Fourteen of
these companies, including AIG, Bank of America, and Citigroup, received money from
the government bailout.  According to the Department of Justice, Swiss banking giant
UBS has enabled wealthy Americans to use tax schemes, some of which are illegal, to
cheat the IRS out of billions of dollars.  The major international locations for hiding
funds include Austria, Luxembourg, the Channel Islands, Singapore, Hong Kong,
Andorra, Monaco, and Gibraltar.  In the Caribbean, the established havens are the
Bahamas, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands.

A Goldman Sachs Tower
In December 2008, the bank holding company Goldman Sachs reported its first quarterly
loss. On the heels of this announcement, Goldman Sachs issued a statement confirming
that its tax rate was dropping from 34.1% to 1%, reportedly due to “changes in the
geographic earnings mix.”  This means that the company moved almost all of its money
shares out of the U.S. in order to gain a better tax rate in a different country.  Goldman
Sachs, which got $10 billion and debt guarantees from the US government in October
2008, expects to pay only $14 million in taxes worldwide for 2008, compared with $6
billion in 2007.  The problem is much larger than Goldman Sachs.  The issue is
being investigated and thousands of US taxpayers with Swiss bank accounts face the
prospect of IRS examination of their bank documents.  These individuals could face
prosecution and/or civil litigation.
Bloomberg, December 16, 2008
Title: “Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1% or $14 Million”
Author: Christine Harper

The Huffington Post, February 23, 2009
Title “Gimme Shelter:  Tax Evasion and the Obama Administration”
Author: Thomas B. Edsall

6. Oil and Gas Companies Move Into the Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is the largest, species-rich, biodiverse rainforest on earth.
Recently, vast areas of the Amazon Rainforest have been opened for oil and gas
exploration, putting some of the planet’s most pristine land at risk.  Many areas of the
Amazon could someday be filled with oilrigs and pipelines.  Multi-international oil and
gas companies use zoned areas for exploration and development.  These zones now
cover the Amazon in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and western Brazil.
The western Amazon is also home to many indigenous ethnic groups, including some of
the world’s last uncontacted people living in voluntary isolation.  The last true examples
of biological and cultural diversity could be disturbed by oil companies.  The real
concern is when exploration is successful and a zone moves into the development phase,
because that’s when the roads, drilling, and pipelines come in.  Oil and gas blocks now
cover more than 700,000 square kilometers in the western Amazon.  Growing global
demands are stimulating unprecedented levels of new oil and gas exploration, even in
the untamed Amazon Rainforest.

5. European Environmental and Consumer Safety Bill
In recent years a European model has been proposed that insists upon environmental and
consumer safety laws for all produced sellable goods.  It requires that thousands of
chemicals finally be assessed for their potentially toxic effects on human beings.  It
would put an end to the American industry’s ability to withhold critical data from the
public.  US deregulation of toxic substances, such as lead in lipsticks, mercury in
electronics, and phthalates (endocrine disruptors) in baby toys, may not only pose
disastrous consequences to America’s health, but also to its economic and political
status in the world.  Europe has launched stringent new regulations that require
companies seeking access to their lucrative markets to eliminate toxic substances and
manufacture safer electronics, automobiles, toys and cosmetics.
Numerous dangerous chemicals have been identified via the European Union’s 2007
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals law.  Hundreds of
companies located in the US produce or import hundreds of chemicals designated as
dangerous by the European Union.  Large amounts of these chemicals are being
produced in 37 U.S. states.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency only
5% of all chemicals in the US have undergone even minimal testing for their toxicity or
environmental impact.  It is a true worldwide problem that needs to be addressed and
adapted to.
Scientific American, September 30, 2008
Title: “European Chemical Clampdown Reaches Across Atlantic”
Author: David Biello

Environmental Defense Fund, September 30, 2008
Title: “How Europe’s New Chemical Rules Affect US”

Democracy Now! February 24, 2009
Title: “US Lags Behind Europe in Regulating Toxicity of Everyday Products”
Author: Mark Schapiro

4. The Shearon Harris Nuclear Generating Station
The Shearon Harris Nuclear Generating Station is one of the largest nuclear power
plant’s in the United States.  It is located in New Hill, North Carolina about 20 miles
southwest of Raleigh. 
The plant contains the largest radioactive waste storage pools in
the country.  It is not just a nuclear-power-generating station, but also a repository for
highly radioactive spent fuel rods from two other nuclear plants.  The spent fuel rods are
transported by rail and stored in four densely packed pools filled with circulating cold
water from Harris Lake to keep the waste from heating.  The U.S. Department of
Homeland Security has marked Shearon Harris as one of the most vulnerable terrorist
targets in the nation.
However, a threat exists without a terrorist attack.  Should the cooling system
malfunction, the
resulting fire would be virtually unquenchable and could trigger a
nuclear meltdown, putting thousands of residents of this rapidly growing section of
North Carolina in extreme peril.  Labs have conducted studies that estimate that a pool
fire could cause 140,000 cancers, contaminate thousands of square miles of land, and
cause over $500 billion in off-site property damages.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has estimated that there is a 1:100 chance
of pool fire happening under the best of scenarios.  In 1999, the plant experienced four
emergency shutdowns.  A few months later, in April 2000, the plant’s safety monitoring
system, designed to provide early warning of a serious emergency failed.  In the spring
of 2003 there were four emergency shutdowns of the plant, including three over a four
day period.  One of the incidents occurred when the reactor core failed to cool down
during a refueling operation, the reactor dome was off of the plant.  It was a potentially
catastrophic series of circumstances.

CounterPunch, August 9, 2008
Title: “Pools of Fire”
Author: Jeffrey St. Clair

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