Sunday, January 2, 2011


Terrorism exists because of hatred and greed. Terrorism is a product of hate. The people involved cannot begin to be tolerant of others who are different. The hatred is usually so ingrained, that this is all these people know. Greed also plays a big part because some people will do anything for money. Terrorism is big business.

Many people grow up in families and cultures where intolerance is the norm. It is passed down from generation to generation. It is lived by all in that culture or sub culture. They breathe it, they eat it, and they sleep it. How can I get back at my enemies? How can I make them pay for the injustices I know are their fault? They ask themselves this even when the injustices are only perceived and not real. They have heard the stories of what their enemies have done so many times, they no longer question them.

Terrorists are often driven by their belief system which can be quite skewed. They may be like many people and pick and choose what they wish to believe in from their religion or doctrine. How many folks do you know that pick and choose what they will believe in from the bible? They believe only those things they want to believe. They may believe their 'God' or spiritual leader is the only one to tell them what to do so can be easily manipulated by anyone with power.

The greed can be why some people are involved in terrorism. It takes a great deal of money, equipment and recruits to wage the type of war that terrorists prefer. All these new recruits must be trained and I am sure that is a lucrative business. The person willing to supply these monsters with any of these items are rewarded generously. They benefit by money, but often by power, or I suspect even the ability to commit their own crimes unstopped. The protection they are given by terrorist organizations is probably very valuable.
Of course, the nature of this activity may be a purely selfless and only involve a chance to serve their leaders. They are so sure the war they wage is just that some may not need any type of reward other than the one they receive in death.

One reason why terrorism exists is due to the fact that there are many lost and angry people. A terrorism organization must work very much like a cult or a gang. There usually is a charismatic leader, and the recruit is made to feel like they are part of a 'new family' or are seduced by the 'cause.' The amount of brainwashing going on must be considerable when recruits are eventually asked to give up their life. They too though are sometimes rewarded by securing a better future for their families.

Terrorism exists because people let it. Some nations help these thieves who want to take lives, freedom, and a sense of well being from others. There are those who are too frightened to resist and you cannot blame them. We cannot, however, let fear or apathy become the reasons we do not act. We all deserve to live in a safe world where your daily outcome is predictable. We should not need to be unsure of what our future holds.
Anyone who helps terrorist by supplying them with money, weapons, recruits, or a safe haven should also be treated as a terrorist. We need to follow and stop the money at its source. We need to all follow diligence. We need to all speak proudly of our country and never appear weak to the world. We have a great deal to do.

I believe what Jo An wrote above is very true. When there is no more love, war will take place.

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